

Writers Boon Blog


  • Free Marketing Wisdom

    Carol Vorvain


    Book Marketing

    Carol Vorvain (@writersboon) is an Australian international lawyer, mediator, author and founder of Writers Boon. Her books, When Dreams are CallingWhy not? - The island where happiness starts with a question and  A Fool in Istanbul - The adventures of a self-denying workaholic have been featured in a number of travel magazines including the International Traveller magazine and can be found in libraries, bookstores and on Amazon.

    Here, at Writers Boon, we all love free marketing wisdom. And we thought you will love it too.

    Let’s have some fun and learn a few marketing tips and tricks from these clever or just plain humorous book marketing jokes and quotes.


    “Writing a book without promoting it is like waving to someone in a dark room. You know what have you done but nobody else does.” – Madi Preda


    “How many marketers does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, they’ve automated it.” – Anna Lee


    “Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.” –  Henry Van Dyke


    “Don’t sell yourself short. No one will value you. Set a fair price for you, your book, your services, whatever it is that you have to offer.” – John Kremer


    “Quit counting fans, followers and blog subscribers like bottle caps. Think, instead, about what you’re hoping to achieve with and through the community that actually cares about what you are doing.”  – Amber Naslund


    “Why did the marketer get off the trampoline? He was worried about his bounce rate.” – Anna Lee


    “In a world that is increasingly inwardly focused, those that can look outwards, and who are genuinely interested in those around them, live a richer and more rewarding life in many ways.” – Andrew Griffiths


    “With technology, you have to be careful because you can really be kind of be cyberstalkerish.” – Eric T. Tung


    “What movie features a marketer stuck on a deserted island? Web-Cast Away.” – a classic smiley


    “Even if I am predisposed to shop online, I see bricks and mortar as part of marketing.” – Natalie Massenet


    “I found that when I was putting my own music out, with my Twitter feed as the pure marketing budget, I'm preaching to the choir.” – Trent Reznor


    “Authenticity, honesty, personal voice underlie much of what’s successful on the web” - Rick Levine


    “This is an A/B test conversation so C you later.” – TowerData





