The Essential Editing Tool for Writers



A good editing tool won’t change your style or point out your plot holes. Its job is to flag up potential technical issues so you can make sure your ideas are expressed in the best way. The software will help you polish your text so that your (human) Editor can focus on content and style rather than readability.

ProWritingAid identifies hidden and passive verbs, overuse of adverbs and glue words, overcomplicated sentences, redundancies and clichés, repetitive structures and much more (25 reports). 

The online tool is FREE to use. Or upgrade to Premium to access MS Word and Google Docs add-ins, a Chrome extension, and a desktop app that's perfect for Scrivener users. 





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The Essential Editing Tool for Every Writer


A good editing tool won’t change your style or point out your plot holes. Its job is to flag up potential technical issues so you can make sure your ideas are expressed in the best way. It will get your manuscript one step further along so that your (human) Editor can focus on content and style rather than readability.

ProWritingAid identifies hidden and passive verbs, overuse of adverbs and glue words, overcomplicated sentences, redundancies and clichés, repetitive structures and much more (25 reports).